I haven't really been encountering new music I actually like much lately--not since the beginning of the quarter, really--but I just found this courtesy of TNC and I am liking it very much.
I will put Chaos into fourteen lines And keep him there; and let him thence escape If he be lucky; let him twist, and ape Flood, fire, and demon - his adroit designs Will strain to nothing in the strict confines Of this sweet order, where, in pious rape, I hold his essence and amorphous shape, Till he with Order mingles and combines. Past are the hours, the years of our duress, His arrogance, our awful servitude: I have him. He is nothing more nor less Than something simple not yet understood; I shall not even force him to confess; Or answer. I will only make him good.
I've kept an online journal for years, but in the past year or so as my academic and independent studies have taken off my journal was overrun with thoughts and links on politics, the Middle East, social justice, et. al. I finally gave in to the inevitable and created a separate blog--this one--for my thoughts on such matters; we'll see what happens.
I'm a recent graduate of the University of Chicago with a B.A. in International Studies, geographic focus on the Middle East (and, more peripherally, North Africa and Central Asia). I'm from Boston, I like to travel, and I enthusiastically sang in and co-ran the University of Chicago Voices In Your Head. I'm hoping to move back to the Middle East within the next year to further the practical side of my education (and have a good time).
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